

If you are an author looking for ways to publish your books, we can, for example:

Revise your manuscript and propose ways of improving it, e.g., analyse its structure, indicate what could be missing, what is difficult to understand, what potential questions your readers would have.

Edit your manuscript, helping you improving grammar, spelling, readability and length. We can also proofread your final draft, helping to polish it. You can choose which level of detail and interaction you need.

Format your book for printing or ebook: We can convert your book to the format needed for any media. At the moment we are not providing printing services, but we can work with your printer and deliver a version for them to print (you need to revise the version before printing).

Integrate your publication into our imprints, giving you the backing of a publisher and a more professional look. It also gives you an ISBN number, needed for book sales.


We are a small publishing house and we believe that sharing your writing should be less complicated, so we want to help you make it possible.

In the case of books, we do not bear the production costs, we charge you for our services and a small fee on your sales, so you are more in control of your profits.

We have a range of services, which are normally found through different companies, so we save you time and money.

We can also give you a space online at our Authors’ piazza (coming soon) to promote your work.