New book: El duendecillo perdido

Clemencia Manzur

Written by Clemencia Manzur Aguilar, this is our first book of fantasy and magical realism in Spanish.

What happens when you ignore your closest friend and ally?

Farisha is a warrior in a faraway land, she has been accompanied by an elf since her childhood. When she forgets to nourish their friendship, he decides to leave. She is now looking for him, in the process, she discovers a powerful truth. El duendecillo perdido, is a story of hope and self help, for young people, no matter the age. A book that may appeal across generations.

This book is in Spanish but can be a good start for those learning this beautiful language. It is currently sold in Mexico and the USA, but special orders can be sent to other countries.

With handmade illustrations by Rocío Zamora Barrera, Alejandro Mata Zamora and Salvador Licona Morales. Promotional photography by Rhodri P. Thomas. ISBN: 978-1-7397182-0-6, 36 pp.

Spanish summary